

Thank you for considering Funhouse for your child’s education and care. We welcome you and your child to what we trust will become an extension of your home.We hope that you will find our webpage informative but please come and visit us. We look forward to showing you around and chatting about how we can meet your needs and aspirations for your child.

Hair Salon

The Early Childhood Curriculum


Brain development research has shown just how integral the first years of a child’s life are. The first years, even though not distinctly remembered by the child, become a child’s subconscious mind, their inner voice, the blueprint of how they perceive the world and respond to the world.
It is also well recognised that play is how children learn best, it is their work. It is through their active explorations, interactions, and participation that children come to know and understand the world that they live in and their role within it.
Secure attachments achieved through responsive and warm relationships are also extremely important for optimal development. We are sociocultural beings which means we learn from and with the people, places and things that we are a part of, and the opportunities in our environment. We become a product of all we see, do and adopt.
At Funhouse, we value warm, respectful relationships with our tamariki and strive to provide them with rich, stimulating play experiences and opportunities where they can learn independently as well as alongside others.


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